Types of Assessment
Formative Assessment: Using daily tools to monitor student ongoing progress
Summative Assessment: Using a tool at the end of a unit or year to determine a student's level at the conclusion
Standardized Assessment: A tool that has gone through a battery of tests to be found to have reliable and valid norms and/or criteria based on age or levels. This form of assessment (combined with non-standardized tools) is required for determining student eligibility for special education services (including adapted physical education services).
Non-standardized Assessment: Tools designed to inform a student's ability level, growth over time, or monitor practice using informal methods such as (but not limited to): observation, checklists, rubrics, collaboration, video recording, tally marks, anecdotal notes, worksheets, exams, homework, teacher/student or peer discussion, group cooperative work, student presentation, teacher-made forms.
*These are used to support standardized assessments and are considered multi-confirming data for the eligibility process of determining special education services (including adapted physical education)Pre-Assessment: Using a tool prior to teaching and practice of skills in order to determine a baseline for the student's current ability level
Post-Assessment: Using a tool after providing instruction and practice opportunities in order to determine the student's level of progress when compared to the pre-assessment
Developed By: CSULB and University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Easy Rubrics - Develop rubrics that you can use on an Ipad and the system will analyze the results
Early and Elementary Childhood
Battelle Developmental Inventory -2 (BDI-2) - Standardized Tool
Peabody Developmental Motor Skills - Standardized Tool
Brigance Inventory of Early Development- 3 - Standardized Tool
Bruininks-Oserestsky Test of Motor Proficiency -2 (BOT-2) - Standardized Tool
Developmental Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities - 3 (DASH-3) - Standardized Tool
Hawaii Early Learning Program (HELP) - Standardized Tool
Developmental Assessment for Young Children - 2 (DAYC-2) - Standardized Tool
Learning Accomplishment Profile Diagnostic - 2 (LAP-D 3) - Standardized Tool
Test of Gross Motor Development - 3 (TGMD-3) - Standardized Tool
Southern California Ordinal Scales of Development - Scale of Gross Motor Abilities (SCOSD)
The Early Childhood Assessment of Physical Education Skills (ECAPES)
Early Adolescent and Adult
Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) - Standardized Tool
Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills - Video demonstration of Skills
Apache Motor Skill Assessment Test (AMSAT) - Standardized Tool
Competency Test for Adapted Physical Education (CTAPE) and Supplement
Furtado-Gallagher Computerized Observational Movement Pattern Assessment System (FG-COMPASS)
Adapted Physical Education Assessment Scale -2 (APEAS-2) - Does not have valid and reliable measures
Individuals with Significant and Severe Needs
Kounas Assessment of Limited Mobility Students Revised (KALMS-R)
Curriculum, Assessment, Resources, and Evaluation Revised (CARE-R2)
Individuals with Orthopedic Impairments
Individuals using Wheelchairs
Individuals with Visual Impairments and Who are Blind
Physical Activity Profile of Independence (PAPI-ISAPI)

Social and Emotional Learning Milestones
Sensory Processing Assessment of Responses

Secondary Concepts of Tactics and Skills in Physical Education (SCOTS)


Project Mobilitee
Blind/Visual Impaired
Oregon Project
Oregon Project

Gross Motor Function Classification System

For Individuals with Orthopedic Impairments
Early Childhood Assessment of Physical Education Skills

Early Learning Assessment and M_PAPES

Healthy Beginnings for Preschoolers
Test of Gross Motor Development - 3
- Standardized Tool -
Training Session Presented at the National Adapted Physical Education Conference in 2019
Balance Evaluation Systems Test

Assess for Inclusion
Student Questionnaire

Teacher Reflective Questions

Picture Communication Symbols

Grade Level Standard-Based Assessments