
Types of Assessment

Formative Assessment: Using daily tools to monitor student ongoing progress 

Summative Assessment: Using a tool at the end of a unit or year to determine a student's level at the conclusion

Standardized Assessment: A tool that has gone through a battery of tests to be found to have reliable and valid norms and/or criteria based on age or levels. This form of assessment (combined with non-standardized tools) is required for determining student eligibility for special education services (including adapted physical education services). 

Non-standardized Assessment: Tools designed to inform a student's ability level, growth over time, or monitor practice using informal methods such as (but not limited to): observation, checklists, rubrics, collaboration, video recording, tally marks, anecdotal notes, worksheets, exams, homework, teacher/student or peer discussion, group cooperative work, student presentation, teacher-made forms. 

*These are used to support standardized assessments and are considered multi-confirming data for the eligibility process of determining special education services (including adapted physical education)

Pre-Assessment: Using a tool prior to teaching and practice of skills in order to determine a baseline for the student's current ability level

Post-Assessment: Using a tool after providing instruction and practice opportunities in order to determine the student's level of progress when compared to the pre-assessment  

Developed By: CSULB and University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Easy Rubrics - Develop rubrics that you can use on an Ipad and the system will analyze the results

Early and Elementary Childhood

Early Adolescent and Adult  

Individuals with Significant and Severe Needs 

Individuals with Orthopedic Impairments 

Individuals using Wheelchairs

Individuals with Visual Impairments and Who are Blind

Physical Activity Profile of Independence (PAPI-ISAPI)

PAPI I-SAPI© 2019.pdf
PAPI-ISAPI© Fitness Plan.pdf

Social and Emotional Learning Milestones

Assessment of Social and Emotional Learning Milestones.docx

Sensory Processing Assessment of Responses



Secondary Concepts of Tactics and Skills in Physical Education (SCOTS)

Secondary Concepts of Tactics and Skills in P.E. (SCOTS).pdf
Secondary Concepts of Tactical Skills in P.E. (SCOTS).docx



Project Mobilitee 

Blind/Visual Impaired  

Oregon  Project

Oregon  Project

Blind and Visually Impaired Individuals Assessment .docx
The Oregon Project.pdf

    Gross Motor Function Classification System


Early Childhood Assessment of Physical Education Skills

ECAPES Reduced.pdf

Early Learning Assessment and M_PAPES

Early Learning Assessment for Physical Education.pdf
M_PAPES Assessment.pdf

Healthy Beginnings for Preschoolers

Test of Gross Motor Development - 3

Training Session Presented at the National Adapted Physical Education Conference in 2019

TGMD-3 YouTube Channel

Common Errors

Google Score Sheet Tutorial

Balance Evaluation Systems Test


Assess for Inclusion

Student Questionnaire

Assessing for Inclusion Student Interview.pdf

Teacher Reflective Questions

Teacher Reflective Questions to Promote Inclusion Practices.pdf

Picture Communication Symbols

Student Response Symbols.pdf

Grade Level Standard-Based Assessments

Montgomery County Assessments.pdf

Systems to Support Assessment Collection

Analyzing Results