Instructional Materials
American Sign Language (ASL) Made Easy
Autism Network Visual Modeling for Community and Sport Skills
Fit and Fun Playscapes - Create sensory pathways anywhere
Sit Spots - Velcro symbols and spots that attach to carpet and anywhere you can attach velcro.
Don Johnston, Inc. - Educational software and assistive devices
Able Net, Inc. - Educational software, curriculum, and assistive devices
Tarheel Gameplay - Start and stop a YouTube video to play a game, read a story, or answer questions
School Speciality: Abilitations
American Printing House (APH) for the Blind, Inc. - Designed for students with blindness and visual impairments
Lessonpix - Software to create picture communication symbols and boards
Picto4me - Free Google Software to create and share AAC Boards
Boardmaker Online - Software to create picture communication symbols and boards
ConnectAbility: Create visual supports for your students
IXL: Immersive, Adaptive Learning Lessons
Wheel of Names: Random Calling
Download Free Powerpoint Games
Watch Purified Youtube Videos (no comments or sidebars)
Class Tools: Make educational video games, quizzes, diagrams for free
Create and Play Online Brain Games and Puzzles
Baamboozle: Make team-based educational online games
Build and Play educational games
Powerpoint Game Show Templates
Build Your Own Memory Card Game
Thinglink - Board Game Example
Adaptive Repurposed Tools (ART): Art if for everyone Webinar
Playposit Intervative Video - Add interactive questions to a video.
Interactions include: Multiple Choice Questions, Select All, Free Response, Fill in the Blank, Pause and Reflect, Embed Website, or Poll the class
Dynamic PE ASAP - Create Lessons in Seconds
Pear Deck - Create Student Paced Lessons for Google Slides - Help
Creating a Bitmoji Classroom / Making it Interactive
Canva - a graphic design platform that allows users to create social media graphics, presentations, posters and other visual content.
Tactile Connections - Symbols for Communication
Gross Motor Development Curriculum for Children with Visual Impairments
Google Extensions: Tab Scissors (Split screen), Tab Glue (Combine split screen), ScreenCastify (video record screen),
Physed Mentor - Application with resources
Driving Digital Learning - Graphic Organizers, digital materials