Special Education
Visual Impairment with Multiple Exceptionalities
Tangible Symbols for Children with Multiple Disabilities: Ch. 1, Ch.2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Inc. (NASDSE)
Detailed Information for Anomalies and Diseases of the Eye
Inclusive Fitness Coalition: Actively Moving Forward
PowerUp What Works: Free Online Resources for Integrating Technology
Magnetic Letters (Click Launch Magnetic Letters)
Chrome Music Lab - Clarion-lite - Keyboard - Sampler
Play Xylophone on the Computer
Visual Art Through Movement (Camera Sensor)
Visual Art Through Sound (Audio Sensor)
Chrome Experiments (Multi-Sensory Stimulation)
Project Core - Universal Vocabulary
Paintz App - Upload an image to color, draw, and manipulate it
Digital Unifix Cubes for Math (Counting) / Digital Math Manipulatives
Coding to Develop Cause and Effect Games (Allows for camera activation)
Alphabet Animals (with sounds for each letter and connected animal)
Super Coloring (Digital or Printable Coloring Pages)
GoGoSpeech: Using a green screen (background) to enhance speech development (YouTube) Downloads
Play Spark - Green Screen Materials
MyGaze: Eye Gazing Technology
Understanding a student with an intellectual disability (The video is from the 70s, please excuse the language once deemed appropriate.)